Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring weather and all it entails.

{Typical Utah evening. See how there are dark clouds and then there is also sun shining through. I believe this evening there was rain coming down while the sun was shining. Which actually is spectacular to look at.}

Weather in Utah is special--in a, not so special, warm your heart, kind of way.

If you aren't familiar with Utah weather I will give you a brief explanation. There are days where it'll be beautiful. It'll be just the right temperature, warm, a cool breeze. It's just perfect. No humidity to drench your clothes, frizz your hair. It's great.

Then in one second. The temperature drops, there are snowflakes coming down and the black clouds hover over you.

This spring has not been any different. Remember my little plea to Mother Nature last year?

This brings up another point.

What should one wear during this exciting period of multiple personalities Mother Nature goes through?

I can't figure out if I still need to keep the boots, sweaters, scarves, gloves close by; or if I need to pull out all the spring attire?

This is how a week goes for me.

I get up, look out the window. I see my beloved sun, so I instantly pull out the lighter weight clothes.

Go throughout my day to then notice there is snow on the ground.

Not so awesome.

So then I freeze.

Tell me dear friends. What do you do to survive this madness??

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And we're up and running...

We just finished putting together our business blog last night.

I am so excited!

Don't you just love our business name?

Can't get cuter than B&B Cheeky-Chic.

Check us out here.

There's lots to come. Give-aways, beauty tips, & advice, along with all our fun projects.

Friday, March 19, 2010


If we had no Winter, the Spring would not be so pleasant;
If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

~Anne Bradstreet~

Tomorrow is the first official day of Spring. I can hardly wait for warmer days and am so
happy to see green popping out of the earth again.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes, please.

I'd like to make a purchase.

I love Vespas and I enjoy good looking men as well.
I think this could be a great investment for me...

Maybe a 2 for 1 deal?

Just sayin'.

{Picture found here.}

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lost Things

{A great short stop-motion film. I love creative people.}

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Joys of Womanhood

There's a certain time of the month for most women, that hormones are a bit off balance.

Perhaps I'm the only one that has the following symptoms...

Crying at anything. Road rage. Impatience. Crying again. Cravings. I could eat and eat like I'm some sort of never ending black hole. Back aches. Tender in the bosom. Breakouts{I thought acne ended with puberty, apparently it goes into your 30's}. Water retention. Jeans don't fit like they did 2 days prior.

Saturday as I was driving to the Salt Lake, there was a winter storm. It was coming on pretty strong. My windshield wipers were at full blast just so I could see out the window.

As I was coming up the point of the mountain, the windshield wiper on the drivers side fell off.

Aaaahhhh panic!

I don't know how I made it safely to the side of the road, but I did.

I started to panic and then I felt the tears coming on.

I got out and tried to fix the dumb wiper.

No luck.

Called family to get some help.

No luck.

Got a hold of a friend and he told me he was on his way.

As I waited for him an officer pulled up behind me.

He asked me what I was doing on the side of the freeway.{As if anyone would just stop on the side of the freeway in the middle of a snowstorm for kicks and giggles.}

I explained the situation.

And then he asked if I had tried fixing the wiper.

DUH. And that's the look I gave him.

Of course I tried fixing it.

While he was talking down to me like I was some dumb girl, he popped the wiper back into place.

That is where my blood started boiling.

He had a smirk on his face and said, "You might want to get off the freeway, its dangerous and you could get hit. There's the exit right there. Why don't you go wait for your friend there and you might want to consider getting new wipers today."

If looks could kill I am sure the look I gave him did.

I drove off irritated, and fighting back tears of anger and muttering some not-so-nice words.

It is times like these that I like to blame my irrational behavior on my monthly visitor.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To just sit and laugh.

Tonight I found myself doing something I would not normally do. I went to see a comedian.

Brian Regan to be specific, at the beautiful and elegant Abravanel Hall. My good friend Suzanne had given me the ticket as a gift. I wasn't too sure what I was in store for. I knew it had to be good because Suz has great taste and because everyone I mentioned it to was saying how fun it would be.

I sat back and laughed for 2 hours while this funny and witty man was on stage making relatable jokes and had the most interesting facial expressions I had ever seen.

I love to laugh. I don't think I've met a person who doesn't love to just laugh.

Laughter makes everything in life better. Adds years to life, can make you forget your problems for a moment, and help alleviate pain.

I can't think of a quicker remedy to life's stresses, uncertainties, fears than to just laugh.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Sweet Addiction

{Eating the gigantic, yummy chocolate cake at Guru's. Don't worry I shared with a friend.}
I am trying to control the sweet tooth.
The key word here is 'trying'.

I love my sweets, always have. But I was finding an excuse
to celebrate everyday of the week. I got up early, I got to work
on time. These were my excuses and hence my rewards were sweets.

But those nasty little rewards liked to show their effects on my body...the nerve!

The madness had to stop. So now, I am limited to sweets on the weekends.
I have one day where I can eat what I want.

First week worked out great. Last week, well not so great. I decided
I could splurge for 3 days in a row. It started with Friday and the
Girl Scout cookies.

Those dang Samoa's.

Back on the band wagon this week.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Food for my soul.

I found this wonderful message here and was so touched by every

inspiring word said. It was a beautiful feast of words for my soul

as I'm sure it will be to yours.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

There are certain dates that will always stand out for one reason or another in my memory bank. Saturday the 27th of February will forever be one of those days that I will remember.

I woke up to the news that Chile had an earthquake. Since I have family in Chile I was trying to call my parents to see if our family was safe. I tried all morning and couldn't get a hold of them.

I was glued to the television watching as the numbers of casualties kept rising.

Around 11 a.m. I got a phone call from my mom. Immediately I could tell in her voice there was something she wanted to tell me.

I have a younger brother who was engaged to be married on May 14th. She proceeded to tell me that plans had changed and that they were getting married that evening.

Obviously I was full of questions and asked her to answer the most obvious of questions that I'm sure anyone who is reading this is wondering. She quickly told me that there was no pregnancy but that she needed my help.

By noon I was at my parents house helping plan a wedding. Since my sweet mother was in shock and a bit distraught I took it upon myself to be the wedding planner for the day. As my brothers say 'Bossy Bev" was in action--someone needed to or there would be nothing ready.

The living room was rearranged for a ceremony. The house was cleaned spotless. Costco became our best friend serving as a location to buy finger foods, drinks, flowers for the bouquet and any other last minute items needed. My brother Gianni made a wedding cake from scratch filled with the most delicious lemon cream. I helped the bride get ready as cousins arrived to help with the last minute occasion.

At 6 p.m. family was continuing to trickle in along with the Bishop. By 6:15 the ceremony was taking place and by 6:30 they were married.

I did not think a wedding could happen in 6 hours but apparently with family pulling together anything is possible.

It was truly a whirlwind event--one I would never like to repeat again because of the high stress level.

After the ceremony and eating some yummy food the entire Santamaria clan--except for the newlyweds--went to my twin brothers lacrosse game. It was the big game against their rival, BYU so we had to show our support.

I leaned over to my dad and said.

'Well dad what a day! Wedding. Check. Lacrosse game. Check. Check."

He chuckled in true Carlo form and said,

"I hope we don't do a repeat of this."

I assured him I wouldn't give him any surprises and he'd have plenty of time to prepare for my wedding.

Isn't life funny sometimes. I was so set on having the most relaxing Saturday. Last week was one hectic week and I was telling everyone that Saturday I'd be doing nothing.

Quite the opposite.

But it was a day filled with love for the important things that matter in life such as my sweet family and the gospel.

It was a memorable weekend all-together. Another earthquake for 2010(seems to be the running theme of '10), wedding, and the closing of the amazing Winter Olympic Games.

This weekend I really do plan on relaxing.

Mark my words.