Tuesday, March 24, 2015

As of late...

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Well looks like we made it through the winter and I didn't go too crazy
{thank you seasonal depression} which in my book is an accomplishment!
I just love this time of year, I can smell fresh air, and bbq's starting
to fire up, crickets start their singing and there's just excitement in the air.

Above are some snippets of life lately. I've been adjusting to the new job
which is never my favorite, getting ready for my European adventure with my family
and trying to focus on a healthier me, even quitting Diet Coke...little miracle for me!

1&2 Lunch breaks with co-workers perusing old book stores/Girls night out with my mom and sister-in-laws at one of my new favorite places, The Wild Zucchini Grill
3&4 It's been mostly awesome weather & blue skies this spring/Tried a healthy shake
at Ivie Juice bar that contained {almond milk, banana, avocado, natural pb, protein & almonds}
5&6 Spending time with my sassy niece/Blossoms in DT Provo
7&8 Last weekend I wore summer dresses all weekend{heaven!}/An early lunch at Communal meant I got some peace and quiet

Friday, March 13, 2015

Banana Ice-Cream?

I've been trying to cut out some of the sugar intake in my life, 
it was a little out of control and I realized it was time to hone it in.
So I've been trying to find healthier treats that aren't chuck full of sugar
and other ingredients I can't even pretend to pronounce.

I've been seeing the one ingredient ice-cream all over social media, using 
bananas. You simply freeze ripe banana's and then using your food processor 
make them smooth and creamy and since they're frozen it has the consistency of ice-cream...

While reading Cup of Jo, I saw that she had a bunch of variations on there
from adding nutella to peanut butter, to orange juice and strawberries. 
I think you can get as creative as you want to get with this idea 
and have some fun and tasty variations.

Here's the link to her website with all the variations and the recipe on
how to make the one ingredient ice-cream.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

European Fever

The last time I was in Europe was eight years ago, crazy how time flies!
My family is headed to Italy and Spain to see family and friends this May, 
to say I'm thrilled is an understatement! I've been to both places before
but never with family and never to see the quaint village in northern 
Italy that my grandfather comes from. 

We will be traveling all over Italy and in northern and southern Spain, 
so it'll be an intense couple of weeks. I've been dreaming of sunshine, 
Mediterranean coasts and of course...gelato!

If anyone has any great tips or places to eat in the following areas please oh please
let me know (insider tips are the ones I treasure).
Italy: Milan, Venice, Genova, Portofino, Cinque Terre, & Rome
 Spain: Bilbao, San Sebastian, Seville, Cadiz, & Malaga
**All images via pinterest.