Well looks like we made it through the winter and I didn't go too crazy
{thank you seasonal depression} which in my book is an accomplishment!
I just love this time of year, I can smell fresh air, and bbq's starting
to fire up, crickets start their singing and there's just excitement in the air.
Above are some snippets of life lately. I've been adjusting to the new job
which is never my favorite, getting ready for my European adventure with my family
and trying to focus on a healthier me, even quitting Diet Coke...little miracle for me!
1&2 Lunch breaks with co-workers perusing old book stores/Girls night out with my mom and sister-in-laws at one of my new favorite places, The Wild Zucchini Grill
3&4 It's been mostly awesome weather & blue skies this spring/Tried a healthy shake
at Ivie Juice bar that contained {almond milk, banana, avocado, natural pb, protein & almonds}
5&6 Spending time with my sassy niece/Blossoms in DT Provo
7&8 Last weekend I wore summer dresses all weekend{heaven!}/An early lunch at Communal meant I got some peace and quiet