Friday, March 14, 2014

For the European traveler...

I ran across this great visual list on Pinterest and had to share.
For someone like myself who is never the under-packer and has to sit on my 
luggage to zip it up this is a great visual on how to maximize your clothing
to create different outfits for different occasions and weather.

One thing I've improved on when I pack is that accessories such as scarves
can be used for more than just a scarf, I use it as a sarong at the beach as well. 
Being able to get more than one use for an  item has helped minimize my packing.

What are some of your packing tips that have been helpful to you?


  1. love the outfits ideas !!
    one of my packing tips is wear comfy shoes

  2. What a great list! I have no tips because I, like you, always pack way more stuff than I need.
