Monday, December 20, 2010

Gallivan Center and Gourmandise

Have I mentioned that I love ice skating?

Well I do, I'm no Nancy Kerrigan, but I can hold my own on the rink.

Saturday some friends and I went to celebrate my friend's birthday at the Gallivan Center in downtown Salt Lake.

Round and round the rink we skated, laughing and observing others and their skills or lack of.

On the observing of fellow ice skaters my friend Brian noticed a girl--probably mid 20's-- that had fallen and when she got up from her fall he noticed she'd peed her pants. Now if that were me, I'd march myself right out of there and go home. Not this brave soul, she kept ice skating and just pulled her shirt down. Brave souls out there I tell ya!

Then another brave man or just a pure idiot was spotted by another friend. He had a gun, very noticeably attached to his belt. Fifteen minutes later the cops came and he was questioned and escorted out.

Afterwards we walked to Gourmandise and had ourselves some yummy sandwiches, soup and pastries.

Oh how I love ending an evening with good company and pastries. Truly doesn't get better than that.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you actually like to ice skate! Most people don't really like it...mainly because they don't know how. That includes me! And, I LOVE Gourmandise! Doesn't it totally remind you of Europe? Must be why I love it! The grilled cheese is the best. Oh, and the rice pudding! Mmm. I've got to add you to my blog roll. I love reading your blog!
