Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One year older, one year wiser.

I just celebrated another year of being born. I am 32 years old.

I know as women we seem to get a little shyer about admitting our getting older. But why be shy? I am getting older, not old. I believe another year of life is always something that should be viewed as a blessing and I do feel so blessed!

My dear friend Brett planned a splendid birthday celebration for me. On Saturday night some of my close friends and I went to The Paris Bistro in Salt Lake to have some delicious cuisine and enjoy one another's company. As I sat at dinner I couldn't help but be filled with joy and gratitude for such wonderful people in my life.

That same feeling of joy and gratitude filled my heart on Sunday night when I celebrated my birthday with my family. My cute mother had been sick with a cold along with most of my siblings. Nonetheless she whipped up the most delicious meal and cake.

So here is to the 32nd year of my life. There are new goals to be met, more wisdom to be learned and more memories to be made!

{P.S. Thanks to all of you lovelies that made it such a special day!}

1 comment:

  1. Happy late Birthday, Bev!

    I hope you have a wonderful 32nd year! I saw the big group pic on fb and thought, "Good grief, Bev is gorgeous!" I'm proud of you embracing your age. It makes aging much more liberating!
