Saturday, August 28, 2010

She & Him

I went to the last concert of the Twilight Concert Series up in Salt Lake and was swooped to dreamy heaven with Zooey Deschanel's voice from the band She & Him.

Seriously take a listen if you haven't already and you'll know what I mean.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stewart Falls

Sometimes I still can't believe I only live minutes away from these amazing mountains.

The hike to Stewart Falls makes me feel like I'm hiking the Swiss Alps--although I've never actually been there, but I like to imagine that I have.

It makes me want to sing out loud, like Julie Andrew's, 'The hill's are alive!"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where's Waldo?

When I was in Chicago I was out shopping with friends and realized that all the items I had in my hand were striped. When in the world did I become this nautically crazed?

Not sure when it happened, but looking through my closet it's a safe statement to say I love the stripes!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Last week was my very first time to the Mid-west. I must admit it'd never been at the top of my list--but my oh my there was a little gem to be found there. I went there with no expectations and I was blown away with what a great city Chicago is.

Cathy{my beautiful friend}showed us all that Chi-town had to offer. The architecture, the food, the shopping--oh the shopping--thank you Magnificent Mile, were all wonderful!

Seems like we picked quite the weekend to go too. Mr. Obama himself, whom might I add lives down the street from Cathy, was there celebrating his birthday with Oprah-whom also happens to live in Cathy's hood. Transformers 3 was filming while we were there, unfortunately no spotting of Shia Labeouf. What a shame. Last but not least Grant Park was hopping with the Lollapalooza festival. I'd say Chicago was the place to be while we were there.

It was a great time with my favorite ladies. We ate deep dish pizza until our pants might pop, got orange fingers from eating the infamous Garrett's popcorn, laughed, walked, shopped, and just enjoyed soaking up the city.

Here's a little video of Betsy & I watching Mr. President come into town.